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LOGA - "State of the Industry"

Annual Louisiana Oil and Gas Association “State of The Industry Address”
October 2, 2019; 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Petroleum Club - 15th Floor
Cost: $20 in person, $22.50 online
Speaker: LOGA President Gifford Briggs

LOGA president Gifford Briggs will be the speaker at this event, which will include a question and answer session after the presentation, along with plenty of opportunities to network with oil and gas professionals from across the 3 states region.  We fully expect this event to sell out so we are encouraging all ALTAPL members to pre-register. 

Reservations for lunch need to be made by the end of the day Friday.
Please be prompt in your reservations.

You can now reserve and pay online by selecting the quantity (number attending) below, clicking "ADD TO CART", clicking the cart button that will appear in the top right of your screen, and then following the checkout prompts.

Meeting and Lunch
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Cancellations must be made by 12 p.m. on the Thursday prior to the meeting in order to receive a refund for your paid reservation(s). Email your cancellation request to: 

Or, if you prefer, you can reserve now and pay later.